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Cindy Sheehan: End the Occupation of... New Orleans! »
September 17, 2005
Donna Brazile: "I will rebuild with you, Mr. President"
Mark in Mexico thinks she's a terrific American for giving the President her support in the reconstruction of the Gulf Coast.
I hate to be the cynic. But let me suggest another possibility. Those Democrats praising Bush's Thursday speech are doing so as part of a bit of cynical Kabuki theater.
See, they say "We're behind the President; we trust him to get this done." When the inevitable controversies arise -- corrupt Louisiana politicians and businessmen trying for big money and getting smacked down by inspectors general, some projects taking longer to rebuild than others, the economic heart of New Orleans getting rebuilt before its economically-impotent slums, the slums not being rebuilt as gold-plated upper-middle-class suburbs -- they'll then say, "We gave this President every chance. We trusted him and supported him. And now, once again, he has become a miserable failure on yet another issue."