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September 14, 2005
Mary Landrieu, Punching Bag
John From Wuzzadem slaps her around nicely.
To repeat: This woman does not understand the concepts of "before the hurricane" and "after the hurricane."
Someone, S. Weasel I think, made a point I had wanted to make too. It was quite clear that Mary Landrieu was entirely unprepared for this line of questioning about the buses. If she had been prepared, she might have claimed, as Nagin did, that it was hard to get bus drivers to do their jobs in the middle of a hurricane. Sure, that was a dodge too, as I imagine there should be no problem getting them to drive before a hurricane, but at least he had an answer.
Mary Landrieu was flat-footed and shocked by the question. Hence she simply continued to repeat "those buses are clearly flooded out, as you can see from the picture," pretending not to understand Wallace was asking her about using them before they were flooded.
And this just goes to prove media bias. The woman had never been asked the question before by any reporter, anywhere, at any time. If she had been asked about, she might have stumbled the first time, but she'd have had a better answer for Wallace.
So, while David Gregory and the rest of the lefty jagoffs continue to press the Bush Administration with questions, they simply never even think to ask a tough question to any Democratic politician. The "tough questions" they pose are along the lines of, "Do you think it was a mistake to rely upon the incompetent, out-of-touch, and racist Bush Adminstration for help?"
This has its benefits, as has been pointed out before. Conservatives know they're in for a whacking, and they're prepared. Liberals never are, becuase they're so completely coccooned and protected by the liberal media... until that wall of silence is breached.
But let's not kid ourselves; having the major media in your back pocket is a big advantage, and the occasional deer-in-the-headlights moment with a liberal politician doesn't make up for that fact. (Especially since the major media will simply not replay or even report on such embarassing performances.)
Jim Pinkerton makes just that case: the Old Media is wounded, but, like a tiger, it's most dangerous when it's wounded. It's lashing out hard, hoping to take as many of its enemies (i.e., Republicans) with it before it goes.