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Mayor Nagin: "CIA Might Take Me Out" »
September 05, 2005
Just Curious
Are we sure this is actually Sean Penn? Couldn't it easily be Edward Norton, wearing that sleazy moustache he wears in every other movie?
Do we have evidence that these are two separate people?
And, assuming, arguendo, that there are in fact two distinct people, one named "Sean Penn" and the other "Edward Norton," do we really need both such people? Wouldn't one of them suffice?
I'm not saying that I hope any harm should come to either of these thespianic giants. I'm just saying that, you know, if a truck falls on one of them, we've got a spare.
Critical redundancy-- that's the American way. Maybe that's why half of Gulf refineries are getting ready to start pumping out gasoline again, we've avoided the worst-case disruptions in supplying the nation, and oil prices are falling back to pre-Katrina levels.
And maybe that's why I just cribbed three Drudge links in a row.
Hey-- if he goes down, I stand willing and able to churn out dumb headlines about six-legged frogs.