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June 30, 2005
Caught on Video: Ward Churchill's Kill-An-Officer-For-Peace Speech
If you can stand it.
Law professors -- like Eugene Volokh, appearing on O'Reilly last night -- continue insisting this is protected speech because there is no "clear and present danger" of actual incitement to criminal activity.
Ummm... well, I guess we'll have to see about that, won't we? That Muslim son-of-a-bitch fragged several officers just as the Iraq War began; I imagine there will be other incidences (not necessarily perpetrated by Muslims).
Just curious... after how many officers are fragged will Churchill's words be considered a potential "clear and present danger" to incite murder? This has always been a very vague standard; I just want to know what the bodycount has to be before law professors, even those on the right, begin to realize that exhortations to murder perhaps isn't protected by the First Amendment and isn't really the sort of true political speech it was designed to safeguard.