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June 20, 2005
Now, Dave, This Is an OLD Clip
Just linked by National Review's The Corner, by Jonah Goldberg, who is "hip" (at least by the low standards of conservative hipitude.
It's Andrew Dice Clay ripping into a CNNfn guy who suggested he was no longer a headliner, using the f-word an awful lot.
And it is ancient.
Still, sorta funny.
Also VERY Old: Old-but-classic Spoil-Sports cartoon about the essential lameness of Aquaman, to Five for Fighting's (?) It's Not Easy To Be Me.
Today is piss-off-Dave-from-Garfield-Ridge day. Anyone got any other oldies but goodies?
So Old It's New Again: Viking Kittens do Zep's Immigrant Song.
Screw you, Dave.
Dave Joins In: Jim Everett doesn't want Jim Rome to call him "Chris" Everett. I mean, he really doesn't want him to call him that.
I loved seeing this little douche get it.