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June 13, 2005
Read Time And Understand Anti-American Bias [Ace]
Over at James Lileks' new ScreedBlog, he fisks (please, give me another word) Time's latest attempt to claim we're torturing lots of detainees.
Do I think we're torturing some important detainees? We'd better fucking be. But I doubt there's a written policy for those guys; I have a feeling most of those guys are disappeared and never heard from. And tortured by top men, as it were, who do not need guidance from Rumsfeld on how to get tongues wagging, and who will not spill to a reporter.
But as for general interrogation techniques for lower-level detainees: Note that Time thinks it's just terrible -- terrible! -- that our thuggish torturers will occasionally resort to jabbing a recalcitrant detainee roughly in the chest with a finger.
It's fucking madness, people. This is the sort of shit that goes on in every interrogation room in every police station fifteen times a day in America, even with run-of-the-mill armed robbers, drug-dealers, and one-off murderers, and Time breathless reports that we might be roughly finger-jabbing the chests of committed, trained mass-murderers whose every waking moment is dedicated to slaughtering as many civilians as possible.
The Chicago Way Update [Ace]: See-Dubya, who due to some oversight is one of the four bloggers not guest-blogging here, notes the the press isn't from Chicago and just doesn't understand how you take down Capone.
Missing Hat-tip Update: Thanks to NickS. for alerting me to the Lileks item.