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June 10, 2005
Paul Anka Is On F'ing Fire. [Dave at Garfield Ridge]
Earlier this week Ace wrote about Mr. Paul Anka's latest album of swinging covers of rock & roll classics by acts like Van Halen and Billy Idol.
When I first read this I initially thought, "Eh."
Don't get me wrong-- my appreciation for Mr. Anka's prodigious talent is second only to my love for the Jewish Elvis.
But the whole lounge-act-version-of-a-modern-song bit has been done many, many times before, so forgive me for thinking this was nothing special.
However, I just watched the video of Anka kicking it to Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit on Letterman, and my verdict is definitive: he is still one cool cat. Paul Anka is on f'ing fire, all right.
Thanks to Ace of Spades veteran reader Skinbad for the link.