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June 09, 2005
French Israeli Camaraderie?! [New Vintage]
Hey, folks. New Vintage here. Long time reader, first time poster. I'd just like to say that I actually know Ace live, in the flesh, and that he looks EXACTLY like his South Park pic on Hoist the Black Flag. Only a bit taller, a bit more badass, and way hotter.
Since I tend to annoy Ace with too many weenie European sports posts, I thought I'd annoy him a bit more by posting about the French, in a good light for a change.
It looks like some French journalists fully supported their Israeli colleague at a Paris news conference. When a member of Hezbollah refused to respond to a journalist after learning of his Israeli nationality, several French reporters not only left the room in protest but also reprimanded those journalists who stayed for the remainder of the interview.
"He refuses to respond to a Jewish Israeli journalist and you stay! It's scandalous, it's shameful!"
I know. I'm just as surprised as you are.