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June 01, 2005
In Case You Care: The Vanity Fair Piece Exposing Felt as Deep Throat
I'm not going to read it, but that doesn't mean you can't.
Nora Ephron (screenwriter of When Harry Met Sally, among others) has an actual amusing piece over at the Huffington Post:
For many years, I have lived with the secret of Deep Throat’s identity. It has been hell, and I have dealt with the situation by pretty much telling just about anyone who asked me, including total strangers, who Deep Throat was. Not for nothing is indiscretion my middle name.
She says she figured it out herself (former husband Carl Bernstein didn't tell her, she says).
Although I have to say the "clues" she says led to this deduction are no more compelling than the various clues fingering, say, Golda Meir as Deep Throat.
Thanks to the National Journal's Blogometer.