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May 27, 2005
The First Million Is Always The Hardest
My sitemeter seems to be telling me that sometime over the next few days, maybe tomorrow, I'll be breaking the two million mark unique visitors mark.
I plan to celebrate by relinking old posts I've already linked six bazillion times.
Just kidding. To thank you for reading, I won't relink anything at all. I'll just do what I usually do on a Memorial Day weekend -- shoot bottle-rockets at the neighborhood cats, and then, when the cops come, blame it on a Puerto Rican kid.
You just have to say "Puerto Rican" and "bottle-rockets" and the cops just start nodding with sage understanding.
Thanks for reading.
And thanks to all of you who donated, too, although I'm just getting to thank-you letters now. I apologize for the delay. The account (yahoo, where paypal notifications are sent) has been balky again and tends to crash when I open mail. But it's working well enough now.