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May 27, 2005
"Art" Exhibit About Controversy Features President Bush Being Sodomized
Controversy, eh?
The exhibit also features the Pope -- with swastikas -- and, get this, the Statute of Liberty -- with swastikas.
Very original.
Artists tell us piously they exist to "challenge dogma" and "question assumptions" and the like, but it's no great trick to challenge the dogma or question the assumptions of others. Real rebellion, and real free-thinking, comes from challenging your own beliefs, and the beliefs of your peer-group.
But they never seem to get around to that, do they?
Nope, just challenging the imputed straw-man beliefs of people they don't know (but think they do, 'cuz they have a whole raft of stereotypes about them) over and over again.
I've been challenged enough, "artists." Challenge yourselves for a change.
What would be truly controversial -- perfect for an exhibit on Controversy -- would be a picture of voting Iraqis with the legend, "Bush was right."
That would be controversial to this crowd. That would satisfy the artists' self-styled mission of "shaking up easy assumptions."
Odds of that happening? Pretty f'n' small.
Thanks to Hubrisblog.