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May 27, 2005
I Have A Bad Feeling About This: Lucas Thinks There Are "More Stories To Tell"?
Let's hope this originated with the vigorously-fact-checked reportage of Michael Isikoff:
Great news for 'Star Wars' fans - a seventh blockbusting film is being planned for the series.
A movie insider said: "George believes there are even more stories to tell.
"His latest idea would feature an almost all-new cast, apart from the Jedi master Yoda, who would be the hero of the new movie.".
Making Yoda, the tiny green Jedi master, the hero would be a popular move with 'Star Wars' fans.
The character, voiced by Frank Oz, trained Luke Skywalker to defeat Darth Vader and is a cult hero among devotees.
Umm, no he's not. He was a funny and mysterious and enjoyable little character in Empire. He's okay in small doses. But I think I speak for a lot of "devotees" when I say that I'm sick to death of Yoda.
He's the new Jar-Jar.
I'm about as psyched for further Star Wars prequels as I am for Willow prequels.
Maybe Lucas can do a Baby Willow Heroes film, featuring an infant Madmartigan or something, who twirls swords in between blowing spit-bubbles and pooping his pants.
That might suck less than the latest batch of stinkers.
Thanks to Ogre Gunner.