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May 25, 2005
"Blogebrity:" A Hoax, of Sorts
According to the National Journal's Blogometer:
Last week we stumbled across the website Blogebrity, which purported to be a magazine focusing on bloggers-as-celebrities (see 5/20 Blogometer). We speculated then that the site was a promotional tool for another website; it turns out we were wrong, but close. The website is actually an entry in a contest sponsored by liberal-leaning performance artists/activists at Contagious Media, previously known for a well-publicized prank on Nike and the satirical website Black People Love Us. Gawker Media founder Nick Denton, a "Blogebrity" target, is also involved. The contest will award cash prizes to a completely new website that receives the most unique visitors over a 3-week period ending 6/9. Blogebrity is currently ranked third.
National Journal guys: Allow linking to this feature. It's a good column, and it can't hurt to get the additional traffic and name-recognition that frequent linkings would provide.
No, you're probably not going to get many subscriptions out of the deal, given your rather high subscription rates. But you can throw up a couple of ads on the page and derive some revenue from that.