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May 23, 2005
The Dirty Deal...
...done dirt cheap, as far as Democratic concessions.
Thank you, John McCain, for continuing to care so much about liberal media opinion and for continuing to suffer under the delusion that we're going to allow a Napoleon-complexed strutting peacock like you to be our President.
Thanks to NRO's bench memos, which is also collecting up the comments by the Corner regulars.
More Blog/Media Reaction at Scared Monkeys.
Via The Political Teen, who has video of this abortion's unveiling.
The Anchoress ain't happy at all:
It’s gonna be a long cold day before the GNP sees a dime of my money. A long. Cold. Day.
Can someone please explain to me why, with 57% support from the nation (under-reported, of course), the GOP caved on this?
This is freaking disgraceful. As usual, the GOP gave up, and the Democrats give up NOTHING. Here’s the agreement. It will make you sick.
Still Worse: Riehl World View notes that page 2 of the sell-out requires the President to consult with Democrats prior to nominating a judge.