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May 21, 2005
Getting More Outraged Over Bird-Gate: MSM & Liberals Circle the Wagons (Shock!)
The poor PepsiCo executive millionaire is of course a "victim" in this morality tale.
Apparently she's permitted to make her anti-American speech, but the bloggers who criticize her are thuggish and inflamatory for doing so.
Always remember: when they speak, it's dissent.
When we speak, it's chilling their dissent.
I grow weary of the MSM's and liberal's semantic gymnastics. They think they can definte words -- "dissent," "extremist," "centrist," "maverick," etc. -- and thereby define reality.
We don't agree with your self-serving definitions, and you no longer have a monopoly on defining the terms of debate.
You're reacting like any other guild or monopoly being challenged by an upstart -- defensively, angrily, haughtily, "how-dare-you"-ly. You're afraid.
And I've never been a blogger triumphalist, but I will say your fears are well-founded.
Adapt or die.
I prefer the latter.
Related: This idiot at the Washington Post thinks that no one has yet disproved the authenticity of the Rathergate forgeries.
1, we have, even if Dick Thornberg was being nice to his employers by not quite saying so, and 2, that seems immaterial -- the media seems to have a new standard, I guess: "If we print it, and you can't disprove it, it remains true until you do so."
I thought as a general matter those asserting a claim were responsible for proving it, rather than simply inviting others to disprove it, but there are, I guess, different standards now for our Royal Scriveners.