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May 21, 2005
FEC Still Wants to "Regulate" the Internet
I had thought this issue had been resolved. Appparently not. Self-proclaimed "reformers" still want to "regulate" political speech on the Internet, and, I suspect, regulate it out of existence.
RedState's been following this.
He suggests:
You don't have to be a lawyer to comment, and you don't have to write 10 pages of legalese. Just send an email to internet@fec.gov and explain your concerns. If you've got any extra time you can actually skim the rule and see all the places that the FEC asks for comment.
RedState explains that the FEC still wants the power to "investigate" pretty much any old political blog, and he's not sanguine about having to answer subpoenas. Neither am I.
The period for public comment on the proposed rule changes ends June 3rd, and apparently there hasn't been much comment at all yet. Let them know you're not happy about allowing the so-called "professional" media a monopoly on political speech.
Thanks to David.