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May 17, 2005
The Way They... Surround a Story, With Complete Silence
450 economists, including five Nobel laureates (PS, someone nominate me already), have endorsed Bush's plan for personal accounts as part of the Social Security system.
This may be the first time you’ve heard about this because the Washington Post and the New York Times haven’t reported it. Neither has USA Today or the LA Times. According to a spokesman at Cato, it hasn’t been reported on any of the major TV networks, either. No one is reporting this story.
I grow weary of hearing about the MSM's superior "news judgment" as regards what is and what is not important enough to report upon. Especially as concerns print media, where it's not a difficult trick to slip in eight or ten column inches on a story. It's not as if they're limited as to space.
"News judgment" = "liberal instincts as to what is 'good for America' and/or 'good for the Democratic Party'"