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May 16, 2005
Japan Is Fascinating, But They're All Crazy-Sick Bastards
There, I said it. Everyone knows it's true. Japan is an amazingly interesting country, but they eat ice-cream filled with chunks of horse-flesh and they've got love-hotels and honey-comb hotels and they're strangely open/repressed about sexuality.
Their dirty-pictures manga porn isn't supposed to show pubic hair (a cultural taboo), so they get around that by making their cartoon-harlots barely pubescent. Which, you know, really makes no damn sense at all.
And don't get me started on that bizarre Godzilla movie featuring Godzookey, or whatever they called "Little Godzilla" in it.
And now...
They're selling a Russian Roulette toy-gun & game. For kids, of course.
Even more disturbing than the concept is the art chosen to adorn the package.

Boy, that kid looks like he's having all sorts of fun having his brains blown out (make-pretend, of course).
Because you know all boys aged 8-13 really want to re-enact that scene from The Deer Hunter.
We also all want to re-enact that big Polish wedding sequence, but, you know, that gets pretty costly. The damn dresses alone would cost a fortune!
So we'll just stick with putting guns to our heads and pulling the triggers.
Thanks to OgreGunner.
Even More Bizarrely Japanese Update: If the gun "shoots" you in the temple, you don't hear a "bang." Nope, a pair of pink hippo feet spring out and knock you in the head.
That's what kids dig. Suicide and cute pink hippos.