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Neologism of the Day »
May 15, 2005
Kennedy Sought To Abolish Filibuster in 1995
...along with various other Democratic, err, luminaries.
Of course there's been flip-flopping on the issue by both sides; procedures aren't substance, and people will change their favored procedures in order to obtain the substantive outcome they desire. Happens all the time.
But there has been a great deal more flip-flopping on this issue by Democrats. The media loves to repeat the Democratic talking points that many Clinton nominees were "bottled up" by the Republican-controlled Senate, that vague language nicely avoiding specifying how many nominees had actually been filibustered.
Were nominees blocked? Yes, but here's the distinction the media seems unable to appreciate: The Republicans were the majority party in the Senate at that time (as they are now). The liberal MSM just doesn't seem to get it that the majority should be allowed to win in such contests, being, you know, the majority and everything.
And the media doesn't seem to note that most of the Clinton nominees held up by Republicans were held up in the closing year of his presidency. As can be expected-- no one wants to allow a departing president to pack the courts with judges as he's on his way out the door.
On the other hand, the Democrats began systematically blocking Bush's nominees from early in his first term.
Unless the filibuster is killed, it will only get worse from here.