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May 14, 2005
Another Brain-Damaged Woman Has Sudden Recovery
Two years of being unable to talk or feed herself, she regains those abilities:
While Gaskill's case doesn't parallel the late Terri Schiavo's exactly - Schiavo was in what some experts said was a persistent vegetative state for 15 years - doctors had all but given up hope that Gaskill would ever recover.
"I have never seen this happen in my career," her physician, David Schmeidler, told the AP. "I've read about it happening, the severely brain damaged recovering suddenly, but never seen it until now."
As with Schiavo, Gaskill's relatives claimed the disabled woman was responsive to them.
"In the last year and a half, she's indicated that she knows us; she has been watching TV and smiling," said her grandfather, Don Gaskill. "More recently, she started nodding her head when we asked her questions. Then a few months ago, she'd laugh out loud."
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