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May 09, 2005
Dems: We Expect Civility From These Loser-Moron Hitler Antichrists
Must read.
My usual disclaimer: I don't mind a bit of incivility in politics. But it really sticks in my craw when people like Andrew Sullivan engage in nonstop ad hominem attacks and then piously call for "civility."
As Hugh Hewitt recounts, the Democrats -- high-ranking ones, Senators and even Howard Dean, not the geniuses on Democratic Underground -- have called Republicans and/or Bush and/or conservative religious groups evil, Hitler, stupid, "a loser," and "the Antichrist."
And now Senator Schumer whines about the need for civility... from Republicans.
After you, my dear non-Alphonse.
More... From the Divine Miss M. (Malkin, not Midler.)