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May 05, 2005
Someone's Going to Hell For This
"Baby Got Book," a parody of "Baby Got Back," a video about girls who show off their big bubblicious Bibles.
WARNING: May contain the phrase "Me so Holy."
PS: Not really foul or anything. Defintely irreverent, though.
Don't Call it a "Call-Back," I've Been Here For Years Update: The song rocks Satan old-school, and by that, I mean they drop the 6-6-6 number in the rap.
Guess they didn't hear. 666 is so passe now, like those unflattering and so gauche brimstone-black robes that were all the rage in Satanic circles a few years back.
Hey-- just because you're worshipping the Prince of Lies doesn't mean you can't look pretty doing so. Punch it up with a little color, guys.