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I Don't Care What the LA Times Says, Wikipedia is Still Weak »
May 04, 2005
Meanwhile, There's Genuine News...
...and Hugh Hewitt runs down the most interesting bits in his typically professional fashion.
One must-read he mentions is this WaPo column by a NYT former reporter and, gasp!, believing Christian, documenting the liberal media's unceasing hostility towards persons of faith.
Hey, maybe if we put it like that -- as if it were a handicap, "Persons of Faith" or "Differently Spiritual Persons" -- they'll give Christians some slack.*
Good on the WaPo to publish this. The WaPo is a liberal paper, but as has been widely remarked of late, it does make an effort to keep it fair. It fails as often as it succeeds, but the attempt is duly, and gratefully, noted.
On the other hand, there's the New York Times.
* Oh, right. In private conversations, the liberals of the press-corps already do refer to people of faith as if they were suffering from a handicap. They call them "retards."
Thanks for understanding, MSM. Your compassion is truly boundless.