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May 03, 2005
Now I've Really Made It
I get the "Condi is Sooooo Hot" treatment that Instapundit got the other day.
And I've only mentioned she's hot three or four times.
Thanks to Knowledge is Power/SondraK (sponsored by her coquettish ass), who celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Million Man March.
Man, the tenth anniversary already? And I've got nothing planned, damnit. Oh, well. I guess I'll just play a couple of tracks from one of the six billion albums Tupac Shakur has released since he got himself dead and watch Garret Morris' old SNL bit, "I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see."
But really, the proper spoof of this site wouldn't have anything to do with Condi Rice. It would be more like a junior-high gay crush-diary, pretty much just all "I wonder if Instapundit likes me... Why did Instapundit not say hello to me in the hall today? Does he think he's all that? Is Michael Totten talking smack about me to him again?" and of course "AoS + IP: TLF."
Ugggchhh. What have I become.
What. Have I. Become.
PS: I haven't really made it. Plug in your own site's URL into the code at SondraK's site and you can turn your own site into a "Condi is soooo hot" shrine.
PPS: Someone should do a Pat O'Brien site spoofer.
Really. Seriously.
I'd link it. It would be sooooo f'n' hot. I'd go crazy on that spoof. I might even bring Molly, as long as the spoof was into Molly. She's so jealous.