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April 27, 2005
The Left Ruins Everything It Touches
A part of me has just been ripped, the pages of my mind have slipped.

Ugggccchhh. It's so awful I'm almost sure it's an actual Stormtrooper from Star Wars III. Lucas put him in because his stupid kids told him "the forces of evil have to be nicer, funnier, and more colorful, like Jar-Jar."
The good thing about this "Peace Trooper" is that you wouldn't even need the Jedi Mind trick. His brain is so clogged with bong-resin you'd just have say -- no force-tricks involved -- "These aren't the droids you're looking for," and he'd be like, "What? Huh? Oh yeah. Droids. I guess they're not. Thanks for doing me the solid of telling me that, dude. Hey-- got some weeeeeeeed?"
Thanks to It's a Pundit, who's having a caption contest.