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April 24, 2005
Chris Matthews, Fair and Balanced
Riehl World has what is either a transcript of the Matthews show during the election of the new Pope, or a vicious parody of it.
HOST: Good evening. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected the new pope, taking the name Pope Benedict XVI. MSNBC‘s David Shuster is standing by above St. Peter‘s Square in the Vatican—David.
SHUSTER: Regardless of what people say they may think about Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, just about everybody we talk with here tonight, Chris, said that this is an evening for hope and possibility—Chris.
MATTHEWS: David, is that hope over experience, because we know that he's a former nazi, ergo Jew-hater extraoridnaire who hopes to see third world women die in the back alley's of non-state sanctioned abortionists.
SHUSTER: No, he's just a short-term bone thrown to the fascist right to help fill the collection plate. This loser will be gone in a few years.
MATTHEWS: OK, great report, David Shuster. George Weigel is a NBC analyst. George, what can we expect from the new pope, Benedict XVI?
GEORGE WEIGEL, NBC NEWS ANALYST: Chris, Joseph Ratzinger had a long devotion to St. Benedict, one of the saviors of western civilization at the beginning of what we conventionally call the dark ages. So I think the program is the revitalization of a goose-stepping Christian culture throughout the world, most especially in Europe leaving the third world to die on the vine, as always.
As usual, it's hard to say for sure whether it's real or a parody. I suspect it's a parody, because Matthews only mentions having worked for Tip O'Neill about eight or nine times, and anyone who's watched Hardball knows damn well the number ought to be twenty to twenty-five mentions.