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April 20, 2005
Meet the New Pope, Same As the Old Pope
Jonah Goldberg on the "solipsistic" (hey! That's my five dollar word!) fantasy of American liberals that there's a chance the Church will "reform" itself to validate their lifestyle choices.
He Who Shall Not Be Named will not, in fact, be named. You'll have to settle for subtext.
Goldberg has an interesting quote, which many of you already know about, because while you were researching the Pope's biography and philosophy I was just making cheap jokes about He Who Shall Not Be Named. But if you missed it:
That said, there's still a good lesson for the American right and left to draw from Ratzinger's election. One of the most interesting aspects of his story is that he was, by all accounts, a liberal until the year 1968. But during student riots at Tübingen University, where he was teaching, he looked into the soul of the New Left and saw a deep void. "For so many years," he said in an interview years ago, "the 1968 revolution and the terror created — in the name of Marxist ideas — a radical attack on human freedom and dignity, a deep threat to all that is human."
.... a radical attack on human freedom and dignity, a deep threat to all that is human.
Yeahp, that sounds like Nazi-talk to me.
Pope Polling Update: Sounds goofy to me, but they're asking the right track/wrong track question about the likely direction to which Benedict XVI will lead the Church.
Right direction-- 39% Wrong direction--17%
And how about this for honesty and common sense?
Don't know enough to say-- 47%
The guy's been in office for 24 hours, for crying out loud.
Thanks to KCTrio.