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April 14, 2005
Blogger Jargon
Well, it's not really blogger jargon. No one says this stuff. But a lot of it is stuff there should be a word for. I guess.
I have to admit I'm guilty of several of the negative ones.
Let me add my own jargon: "slinking," or "shit-linking," which is the act of quoting someone (like, say, the Daily Kos or Oliver Willis) and fairly attributing it to them, but while deliberately refusing to provide an actual link.
The second definition is more expansive. You slink or shit-link someone when you DO provide a link, but you've stolen so much of their original post that there's really absolutely no reason to click on it and give the author the traffic he was looking for.
I've done that, though I try not to. And I've had it done to me; what's the point of providing a link to Ace of Spades when you just republished a top ten I wrote in its f'n' entirety?
Thanks to the Fat Kid, who I'm not actually slinking, because I don't think he wrote a post about this. He just tipped me.
But I will link "pooponastick's" musings about the anniversary of the liberation of Iraq.
Oh, and... Blind-linking -- like Instapundit does with his "Heh" single-word links -- is "blinking."
All of a sudden I'm Rich Frigging Hall. I'll have more of these Sniglets to bore you with later.
Sniglets-- they're so hi-larious that Rich Hall got three years of Letterman appearances out of them, and a one-year stint on SNL.
You know what we should call the little plastic things that keep the ends of your shoelaces from fraying? We should call them "those little plastic things at the end of your shoelaces." I think that's really a perfectly adequate term.
Unless you're in the business of making those things, in which case I guess you would need a word.
This is one of my many posts that really should have concluded about fourteen sentences ago.