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Another Liberal Fantasia »
April 06, 2005
Let's Be Honest: That Schiavo "Talking Points Memo" Was a Rather Shoddy Forgery
Now all 55 Senate Republicans are on-record saying that did not distribute it. And the MSM has not offered any countering evidence to show that any had.
Thanks to The National Journal's "Blogometer" feature (subscription required), which further notes that there is...
widening speculation that a "GOP talking points memo" (which supposedly had GOP leaders claiming the Terri Schiavo case was good politics) is in fact a fraud. The latter is partly fueled by a Washington Times report, an instance of blogs keeping a story alive long enough for the MSM to take a second look.
Emphasis added, of course.
Let's just note this-- maybe the Blogometer would like to note it, too. While the "legitimate" dextrosphere (i.e., anyone you've ever heard of, really) sets their sites on stories that turn out to be right, or at least seem plausible if not yet proven, the sinistrosphere is concocting schizophrenic theories about Jeff Gannon having been a presidential pedophilia sex-cult slave and a brainwashed pawn of Satanic CIA agents.
No, not all in the left half of the blogosphere, of course. There are plenty of people on the left pursuing legitimate lines of inquiry.
But these fever-swamp fantasias seem to only come from one side of the blogosphere -- and not just from the low-level cranks, either.