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April 05, 2005
Nuance Alert: Republicans Are Mean, Sayeth Dr. Dean
This has been the standard message of the Democrats and their liberal media spirit squad since the 50's.
But they've generally been less, how you say?, simplissime than this previously.
But it's all part and parcel of the Democrats' strategy to win the votes of dumb people -- think dumb, talk dumb, act dumb. Dumb people like that. It makes us feel superior, and hence, willing to vote for you, our supposed inferiors, for high elective office.
Here are the quotes from the brilliant Doctor Dean:
Dean: "We have got to start laying the groundwork for a national
party, for a national message. ... [Republicans] are mean. They are not nice people. They want to run nearly every aspect of your life.
The RNC immediately responded with its own focus-group-tested message: "You stink!!! I mean, you really, really stink!!!"
The brilliant doctor, who by the way is really a centrist moderate of fiercely mainstream views, went on to explain why Democrats sound so incoherent:
We know what we believe in but we have trouble articulating it.
Wasn't that sort of the knock on Bush for the past six years (rounding up, including the election season of 2000)?
Is that now the dog-ate-my-homework excuse of the Democratic Party?
Vote Democratic
We're every bit as stupid and inarticulate as Bush is. Now vote for us, you ungrateful retards!