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Subpoenas To Be Delivered To Same Judge Who'd Ordered Tube Pulled »
March 18, 2005
Mr. President-- Recall Congress, Now
"So Proud To Be a Republican:"
The Republican controlled House passed a bill on Wednesday night that would have saved Terri Schiavo's life. But the Republican controlled Senate wouldn't pass it. The Republican controlled Senate instead passed its own narrower bill at 5:35 pm tonight, but it couldn't become a law because, 75 minutes earlier, the Republican controlled House decided, without waiting for the Senate vote, to adjourn for its vacation for Easter.
Pretty cool, huh?
Does this feel like a fix to anyone else? Like conservative Congressmen maybe wanted to appear to be "trying to do something," and yet, awww shucks, they just couldn't act in time?
These jackasses make $150,000+ on our dime. They can work a fucking Friday morning to save a life.