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March 16, 2005
A Titan Versus a Titan!: The Epic Struggle Between Brit Hume and Oliver Willis
Both at the very tops of their respective games, togther reaching a combined audience of several million people (plus Willis' 3000 or so), both highly respected and accomplished media doyennes.
Who will prevail this digital-age Götterdämmerung?
John From Wuzzadem has a report about this momentous struggle.
No Mas Update? It looks like Willis won-- Brit Hume just announced he is resigning as anchor of FoxNews, citing his long history of deliberate lies on behalf of "Evil."
Wait. That doesn't sound right.
Slublog, with a new address, reports that Willis has finally taken down his idiotic "Resign, Brit" banner.
What if they threw a grassroots effort and no one came, except to giggle at a retard?
Bill From InDC Update: A glimpse into Oliver Willis' future. Good stuff.
Sorry I swiped that link from you, Slublog.