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March 08, 2005
"I am not Saddam Hussein. I want to cooperate."
It seems Bashar Assad is a bit more impressed by the invasion of Iraq and capture of Saddam Hussein than is, say, Robert Fisk:
At the end of the interview, which was conducted last week, Assad said: "Please send this message: I am not Saddam Hussein. I want to cooperate."
Ah-hem. No, you're not Saddam Hussein. We had to eject Saddam from Kuwait using a massive ground invasion, and we had to capture him by the same method.
You're turning tail and running because some chicks with nice racks painted the Lebanese flag on their cheeks.
Hooters girls-- is there anything they can't do?
And, Bashar, I don't think we'll have to invade Syria to secure your exit from office... I have a feeling that you're going to be knocked off by your own buddies. Hate to be the one to tell you that. Seriously.
Hmmm... you don't look like the sort of guy who'd get the vapors and go all to pieces over a bit of international pressure.

"Don't worry about me! I'm a big fat pussy!"
This guy makes the Bill Paxton character from True Lies -- or, hell, the Bill Paxton character from Aliens -- look like Audie F'n' Murphy.
And speaking of Robert Fisk, check out the cover of the Independent, the rag that pays Fisk to write the same column week after week:

The article is here, but it's really not worth reading -- sam-old, same-old -- except for this jaw-dropper:
Then the man who insisted on elections in Iraq when the US wanted to postpone or dilute them was Ayatollah Ali al- Sistani, leader of Iraq's majority Shia community.
I suppose there was a time -- a year or more ago -- when al-Sistani was more insistent on elections ASAP than Bush was, but after Bush announced the January 30 election date -- sometime in May 2004, right? -- wasn't, um, the US pretty much the only country with the balls to say "the elections will go forward no matter what"?
That egregious error aside-- gotta love that cover.
Thanks to The Corner, Little Green Footballs, and SlantPoint.