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March 04, 2005
Proposal: Reynolds-Malkin Blog Debate on National ID
For a long time, I've wondered why there wasn't more actual debating between blogs. It seems like an absolute natural fit. While there is a little I-cite-you-and-disagree, you-cite-me-back and offer a surrebuttal, there really isn't that much actual debate.
Slate has week long debates between people through on-line exchanges; why don't we do that in the blogosphere?
Whether it's Reynolds and Malkin or someone else (although I don't think you can find better represenatatives for their respective sides in the blogosphere very easily), let's have someone in the dextrosphere begin a formal debate on the question of National ID.
Reynolds takes the libertarian position (which, here, I find unconvincing) and Malkin thinks we ought to have a national ID. Why not have a high-profile cross-blog debate on the issue?
Why do we have to wait for the New York Times or George Bush to tell us what subject we're supposed to be discussing this week? I think it would be interesting for the blogosphere to attempt to drive the national debate, rather than letting others dictate it and simply being content to sit back and comment upon what others have decided we should talk about.
I've been interested in this idea for a while; previously, I thought that drug legalization would be a good topic for discussion. But it seems to me the National ID debate is far more pressing.