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March 04, 2005
Q4 Productivity Revised Upwards, Big-Time; US Employment Up, Sharply
Productivity's all the way up from an initial estimate of a paltry 0.8% to a sweet 2.1%.
Meanwhile, employment's up big too:
U.S. payrolls grew strongly in February
Employers added 262,000 jobs, more than expected
The Associated Press
America’s employers added a sizable 262,000 jobs in February — the most in four months. The new hiring, however, wasn’t sufficiently brisk to accommodate a wave of job seekers, and the overall unemployment rate rose to 5.4 percent.
This sort of double-whammy in revision and employment report can only mean the boys at the Labor Department got visits from both Vinny Falcone and Bruce Dickinson-- yes, the Bruce Dickinson.

Thanks to Phil for the productivity tip. Thanks to Slublog for the employment news.