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February 26, 2005
Geek Alert: Lots of Leaked Star Wars 3 Pics
Big spoilers-- at least there are spoilers if you didn't know the film would feature 1) light sabres 2) space battles 3) dorky-looking Imperial droids and 4) Anakin ending up looking like a Deadite captain from Army of Darkness.
Do we still care? I don't, really, and yet there is still some hopeful eight-year-old kid inside of me hoping that maybe Lucas gets one right for a change, instead of producing another tech-heavy Willow.
Amish provides the link.
Coming Soon Trailers: Haiku contest winners to be announced late tonight or early tomorrow.
Hopefully, Jeff Gannon will respond to our questions by early next week, as I just sent him out the questions I'd like him to answer.
And then, sadly, the Jeff Gannon banner will come down.
We cannot mourn him forever. We must find the mettle to soldier on without him, else we tarnish his memory with our cowardice.