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February 23, 2005
The New Carnival of the Vanities Is Up
I've never linked to this, but I do so now since friend-of-the-site Pundit Guy is hosting this week. It's a big link-fest of some of the most interesting stories in the blogosphere.
I especially liked this bit from Libertarian leanings, noting how the press has gone from a "Hang 'em high" attitude regarding the Plame affair when they assumed it would be Bush officials going to jail...
... to a now more-nuanced stance that two reporters might be imprisoned. A reporter now writes:
As most everyone knows, Valerie Plame was outed as a spy in contravention of an obscure, misguided and highly controversial 1982 law meant to stop that sort of thing even at the risk of criminalizing free speech...
Well! I wish I had known that the law was "obscure, misguided and highly controversial" back when it was being used as a bludgeon against the Bush Administration!