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February 19, 2005
You Promise? (Hoke)
Britney Spears demonstrates that, in comparison, Jenna Elfman is a Mensa master.

"We just love Fiji! Hawaii Five-O is our favorite show!"
Spears released a statement earlier this week explaining, "Kevin and I chose a resort location where we were promised absolute privacy and seclusion. Unfortunately, staff members took photographs of us, which we allowed them to take once we were assured they were being taken only for private use in a scrap book they gave us as a souvenir."
Spears continued:
"We were further promised that photographs taken during 'strip Twister' were also to be used solely for staff scrapbooks. Because of these events, my husband also question staff claims that it is a tradition in Fiji for new brides to have sex with the staff, that tipping in Fiji is customarily 200% and that just prior to our honeymoon, all of Fiji had been devastated by the tsunami, necessitating a hundred-fold raise in rates as well as my having sex with the staff again, an act that was purportedly to mollify the anger of the Sea god of Fiji, Kickipoopoo.