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We Shall Not Forget: A World Without Jeff Gannon, Day Two »
February 12, 2005
A Clarification & A Disclosure
First, I have to say this, because a couple of people emailed and some mentioned it in the comments--
I'm not really making fun of Jeff Gannon, and I don't think anyone here is really, either.
Jeff got himself WH credentials and a paying gig with a media group. That's pretty good. I'm envious.
But let's face it-- he's not Dan Rather or Eason Jordan. And that's what's being made fun of here-- that the leftosphere is acting as if they've taken down some high muckety-muck on the right, like Brit Hume or, I don't know, Laurie Dhue.
Jeff Gannon seems like a cool cat who just had the misfortune of pissing off some unhinged internet smear merchants (and for once I don't use that term ironically).
What I'm making fun of is the grossly disproportionate glee of the left finally getting a "scalp" -- a scalp belonging to, no offense, a rather obscure and newish reporter working for a virtually-unknown on-line media company.
And then dancing around with that scalp as if they've pretty much tied the scoreboard, cancelling out Rather and Jordan.
It's just freaking pathetic. And that's what's being made fun of-- not Jeff Gannon himself. Just the idiocy of doing these victory-dances and gang-high-fives over revealing personal information about a relative (sorry) nobody.
I think most here endorse the following sentiment:

(click for more bumper stickers)
Okay, now the disclosure-- and some will suggest this disclosure has something to do with the above. It doesn't. From my very first post on this, I apologized to Jeff Gannon, explaining what I explained above. That I wasn't making fun of him per se, but in the left's ludicrous elevation of him into some major trophy.
So, here's the disclosure: I just found out tonight that the ad you see at the left -- the one for TalkRight? -- well, that's Jeff Gannon's employer. He's also on TalkRight radio.
I guess that's the kind of thing you have to disclose, right? So there you go: it's been disclosed.
I didn't even know of the TalkRight/Jeff Gannon connection until an email informed me about it at around 10pm tonight.
I guess I'm "compromised" on this issue because TalkRight advertises here.
Well, the hell with that. I would have taken this ball and run with it no matter who advertised here. Ray Midge isn't getting any money from TalkRight, and he sure seems to have had fun with his GRIM (Gannonite Resistance Irredentist Movement) postings.
Anyway. Boring post. But wanted to clear those two things up.
An Admission of a Genuine Conflict-of-Interest: I don't feel like getting my ass kicked by Jeff Gannon when I see him at CPAC.
Getting my ass kicked-- especially where people can see it-- is not an approved part of the Ace of Spades Lifestyle (TM).