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Top Ten Conservative Reactions to the News That They "Got" Jeff Gannon �
February 10, 2005
"The GINORMOUS Jeff Gannon Scandal Is BREAKING HARD..."
You probably have no idea what this is all about.
Power Line Blog has a quick explanation.
Go ahead, read it. I'll wait. I'll just be here, looking at The Sun's Page 3 girls.
Back? Okay.
So, summing up:
1) Jeff Gannon's real name is Jim Guckert.
2) As an employee of a software company, he registered domains for clients, some of which had sexual-sounding names. But he himself wasn't a pornographer and, indeed, none of those sites were actually launched.
3) He writes for Talon News.
4) The Bush White House Press Department gave him some daily press credentials from time to time.
5) He asked a slanted, partisan question... from the right.
6) Douchebags over at the Daily Kos are speculating about his sexuality.
7) Mr. Gannon resigned his press credentials, owing to embarassment over... over I'm not really sure what, to tell you the truth. I guess he just wanted to spare the Bush Administration the embarassment of... well, again I'm sorta stumped.
I bring this up, because some nitwit liberals are crowing in my comments that "THE JEFF GANNON STORY IS BREAKING!!!" and you, like me, are probably wondering "Who in the hell is Jeff Gannon, and why the hell should I care?"
Yeah.... nice going, liberal bloggers. You brought down your well-known bete noir, the famous muckraking conservative journalist Jeff Gannon.
While you guys are pummeling Mr. Gannon for having the temerity to ask loaded partisan questions (Helen Thomas, anyone?) and for registering web-sites with gay-porn-sounding names of the sort you frequent, we'll just be sitting here, waiting for Dan Rather to retire, and getting ready to force Eason Jordan into retirement as well.
Nice victory, guys.
I don't know how we'll ever be able to survive without Jeff Gannon.
First, I think we'll have to figure out how we survived all these years not even realizing he was on our team.
And Apologies to Mr. Gannon: I don't mean to imply you're a nobody -- hey, you got press credentials; you write for a pretty good on-line news service -- and I certainly don't mean to imply you did anything wrong.
I'm just sort of giggling about the fact that the unhinged left -- so desperate for any victory at all -- are now crowing about the fact they "took out" an unknown internet reporter.
More... Well, I can't really get through it -- I think I've overdosed on BREAKING JEFF GANNON SCANDAL NEWS at this point -- but Bill from InDC has more on this very, very, very important story.