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February 09, 2005
Sick? It All Started at Sundance
So says this guy:
Were you aware...? That everyone who went to Sundance came back with a cold/flu/Andromeda Strain kinda deal? It's true! Actually, my inner movie mogul wants to pitch as a conspiracy flick: "It's all part of a plot to eliminate America's latte-swilling, movie-making, coastally-dwelling cultural elite thanks to a bio-weapon released in give-away crap! Think 24 meets The Player, but for Oxygen! -- with Virginia Madsen as the only person who can stop it! "
And yeah, I've still got it. It just won't go away. It's like Herpes of the sinuses and upper-respiratory system.
Actually, the super-flu might have been targeted at bloggers... a lot of them seem pretty sick.
Call Eason Jordan. I think I've got a big story for him.
Thanks to RL.