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February 08, 2005
Calling on Drudge
Jim Geraghty has a post urging readers to demand the release of the Easongate tape. It's the only way to resolve this he said/they said dispute.
But there's a quicker way. And Geraghty noted it the other day.
Where. The Hell. Is Drudge?
Blogs can make noise, and a precious few can have an impact, but it's only Drudge -- with his millions of readers -- that can actually force the MSM to cover a story it doesn't want to.
This is a Drudge-perfect story. It's about big media (or NBCCBSABCMSNBCCNNAOLTIMEWARNER, in Drudge parlance), it's about scandal, it's about "keeping an eye on the rascals," as his catch-phrase on his old Fox show had it.
Where the hell is he? Why hasn't he posted anything at all on this?
Is it simply because he doesn't think this is newsworthy? On what planet? Right now he's running a headline-above-the-banner about Donovan McNabb being nauseated in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. I guess that's a story, but it's not as if his page is crowded with big, juicy items.
Is it because he's late to the game? If so, so what? There are some recent news hooks he could hang a mention on, like Howie Kurtz breaking his silence on the matter to play country lawyer for Jordan.
What the hell is going on, exactly?
If you want to push this story into the forefront, contact Drudge or his helpy helperton Andrew Breitbart and ask them why, exactly, they're chosing to embargo this story just as the dreaded NBCCBSABCMSNBCCNNAOLTIMEWARNER is embargoing it.