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January 29, 2005
Turnabout Isn't Fair Play, Apparently [Say Anything]
Personally, I'm not one who feels the need to publicly declare my sexuality but I see no harm in this sort of thing.
EDMOND, Okla. -- A University of Central Oklahoma student group is planning what it calls "Straight Pride Week" on campus.
Members of the College Republicans said despite objections from some, they have every right to celebrate.
"The general gist is that if you are a straight student on campus be proud, be loud, this is your time to shine," said college Republican Kyle Houts.
The group has posted fliers on campus that read, "we're here, we're conservative, we're out."
Of course, the gay and lesbian crusaders aren't too happy about it.
Members of the Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equality say they consider the College Republican's celebration an attack on gay and lesbian students.
I wonder what they'd say about conservative students who feel they're "attacked" by gay pride rallys? If I had to guess I'd say they'd probably call them fascists or Nazis or something.
(via Jeff Quinton)
[Cross-posted at Say Anything]