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January 10, 2005
Geek Break: Reno 9-11 Does D&D; Winner of Unisex Pro-Am Geek-Off
Funny little vignette, as the cops investigate a shooting via an "enchanted arrow." Features Patton Oswald, who apparently wears "Boots of Escaping"... or not.
Thanks so much to Bill from InDC for sharing.
It's about time I declared, officially, a winner in the First Annual Unisex Pro-Am Geek-Off. A lot of guys had some good geek credentials, but let's face it, nothing beats a chick who speaks Klingon.
A double-standard? You betcha.
Andrea Harris put up a game fight, but I have to give the nod to BBeck, who not only wears a ring called "Precious," not only is rated as a "heavy fighter" in the SCA, not only can "brew a mean mead," but also made out with sci-fi author Larry Niven.
Seriously. You can't top that. The Larry Niven thing puts her over the top. The only way a guy could have topped that would have been to announce that he, too, had made out with Larry Niven-- not because he's gay, but just because he really, really enjoyed Ringworld.
Bbeck's prize was provided to me by reader James, who missed the Geek-Off but was kind enough to send along the perfect reward for Bbeck's misspent youth. (And non-youth.) She's now the proud owner of this kick-ass geek gif:

Enjoy, BBeck. Print it out in 18x12 on lambskin and hang it on your wall, like a diploma from Dorkwad U.
Update: More Geekery! A friend of mine who attended business school told me of these very difficult questions they pose during job interviews-- very difficult questions, like "back of the envelope, calculate the weight of a fueled and fully-packed 747." The questions aren't designed so much to get a right answer, so much as to see how you respond to curve-balls, and to determine the quality and quickness of your thinking... and guesstimating, I suppose.
One of the questions he got asked was the "Monty Haul" question. Etouffee explains the question, as well as the very counter-intuitive answer, which to this day I simply do not buy at all.