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January 03, 2005
Unisex Pro-Am Geek-Off
Originally: Female Geek-Off. Now open to all comers. State your geek credentials and be prepared to be judged by the Geek Council.
Wow, Ace, I think you just hit upon the Ultimate Geek Check.
(But who am I to complain? I've worn a "Precious" next to my wedding ring -- engraved on the inside with "One Ring to Rule Them All..." -- for close to 20 years.)
Andrea Harris:
You call yourself a geek. Stand aside. Did you read the entire Appendix paying special attention to the language parts? Did you teach yourself the Elvish alphabets so you could write in runes all over your the inside of your junior high textbook jacket covers? Did you buy fantasy-themed bookplates and carefully glue them to the insides of all your cheap Sword & Sorcery Bantam releases? To this day I have crumbling paperbacks with bookplates on the inside cover, my name carefully written in Quenya with a Schaeffer calligraphy fountain pen, in green ink. And on my only trip to Europe I bypassed all the normal souvenirs to buy an authentic British set of The Lord of the Rings, even though I already had one at home. But this was different -- printed in England!!!
Admit it, my geek kung fu is better.
Only one way to resolve this. Get out your SCA armor and padded morningstars and have it at it.
Can any women top these?
Hell, can any guys?
Update! Raising the Ante: Bbeck will not go quietly:
Ace, just exactly how surprised would you be if I told you I DO have a set of SCA armor and have been an authorized heavy fighter for over a year?
I believe the correct term is touche.
Update: Bbeck's Campaigning Hard! And running away with the contest:
Now as for the contest here, let me officially put in my bid for All Around Geek...
Hmm, I started typing out my credentials and I felt like I was BRAGGING. So let me just put up a personal experience that none of you men can likely match, much less beat...
I once made out with Larry Niven. This was when I was single. And if you don't know who Larry Niven is, then I just don't think you're geeky enough.
Now you're just piling on points, bbeck. Relax-- you had me at "SCA."