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January 07, 2005
Modest Job Creation in December
It's Official: Bush Creates Positivie Net Jobs in First Term
157,000 new jobs, a bit short of the 178,000 consensus estimate, but enough to reassure Wall Street that the expansion continues without setting off inflationary pressures.
More interesting, at least from a political-brickbat point of view, is the fact that George Bush just created net jobs in his first term. No longer is he the "only president to have lost jobs since Herbert Hoover." This BLS release, sent to me by Secret Super-Source "Deep Stoat," notes that Bush has created a net of 114,000 jobs since January 2001 (when you include the BLS revision to 2003's figures).
I don't think these figures are good enough to warrant cowbell. But they do seem like good political news; at least we can now say, "Awww, stuff it" when the Herbert Hoover quote is tossed out.
So, based on a commenter's suggestion, this gets not a cowbell, but a Vinny Falcone.

George Bush got a conductor like Vinny Falcone to ride this economy's ass.
Do you like your jobs? Do you want to keep your jobs?
Well do you?