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A Public Fuck-You to Obvious and Other Happy-Talk Babies »
January 01, 2005
Happy New Year!
Wow. Glad that's over, as I'm glad ever forced-fun "whoo-hoo" aren't we being outrageous Amateur's Night drunkfest New Year's is over.
But, now that that damned night of contrived conviviality is over, I wish everyone success and health in the new year aborning.
Sorry about the lack of posting today... I was shut out of Mu.nu all day, until I was just about ready to go out on the town.
And hey-- whoever wrote in to Jonah Goldberg at NRO to get me linked, thanks an awful lot. I was expecting a crap day of traffic and got a good one. Much thanks.
Hope everyone is safe at home now and drinking lots of water and taking a few precautionary Advil.
Update: Thanks for all the Well-Wishes! Right back at all of you, in spades!
And thanks to Michelle Malkin and George Gaskell for linking my Blogoversary.