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December 28, 2004
Man Walks Miles To Be With Mom After Being Shot in Head
He wanted to die with his family:
A Fort Valley man walked nearly 2 miles with a bullet hole in his head after being shot in a robbery, determined to die in the presence of loved ones if that was his fate.
On the plus side, he survived:
``If I was going to die, I wanted to make it home to Mama's and die there,'' said Taylor, who was recuperating at his sister's house.
On the negative side, after walking for miles with a bullet in his brain, he discovered that his mother had moved:
Larry Taylor, 37, finally made it to his mother's house, but didn't realize she had moved away to a nursing home. Still, Taylor managed to eventually reunite with his family and spent Christmas recovering from his trauma.
I guess things like that slip your memory when you're...
Bleeding severely from the bullet wound over his left eye and the exit wound over his left ear
It's good he made it home. It's good he survived.
They arrested the bastard who shot him-- over his refusal to allow him to use his cell-phone.
Thanks to Dalek's Weblog, who's also got a piece about something I've never heard of-- privately-run offshore jails to which parents send "troubled teens."
It's a little creepy.