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December 08, 2004
Southpaws: Don't Trust Them
I was just having a conversation about this: Even at my age, I still note it when I realize someone is left-handed. It's not that uncommon a trait, and yet, every time I notice someone's a lefty, I feel the need to comment on it more than were I to realize his or her her eyes were two different colors.
Michelle Malkin says that evolutionary biologists think that maybe this curious mutation -- hey, sorry, you're mutants -- has persisted because you left-handed weasels can use that advantage in a fight.
Like Rocky said: No one wants to fight a southpaw.
Tertiary Definition Update: NickS reminds me that "sinister" means "on the left."
"Underhanded" probably meant left-handed at one time, too. Just my guess. Like "southpaw," only conoting that mutant sneakiness that lefties are infamous for.