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December 01, 2004
Reader Responses: Let Me Know What I'm Doing Wrong
72Virgins lashed me in a well-meaning critique. If anyone else wants to, as they say, opine, have at it. I'm soliciting slams and criticisms of all kinds.
I want this blog to be better. I don't know if I can actually make it better; a man's got to know his limitations, as Harry Calahan once said. But who knows, perhaps I can.
Keep it pithy. Name and town, people. Name and town. Eh, fuck it. You don't need to tell me your name and town. And you don't need to be pithy.
The best criticisms of me will earn a signed copy of Bill O'Reilly's Who's Looking Out for You? Signed by me, that is. Worth a lot more, I figure. There's gotta be ten million of those signed by O'Reilly.
Idea: People seemed to enjoy the open-forum thing I did a few weeks ago. Would that be the sort of thing people would like to see more often? I mean, you could just register at The Perfect World and have your own forum. But, if you want to post here, debating people you already know, we could have a weekly open forum debate on some issue that readers suggest.